Pongratz Consulting at Horizon 2020 partnering event

Pongratz Consulting at Horizon 2020 partnering event:

Several organization such Enterprise Europe Network, NCP for Health, Lyonbiopole among others are organizing a Horizon 2020 partnering event

European Brokerage Event for the H2020 “Health, demographic change and wellbeing”

in the beautiful and dynamic city of Lyon. During this partnering event, Ingemar Pongratz from Fenix Scientific AB / Pongratz Consulting will join the discussions and participate in the brokerage event.

The purpose of this event is to allow future Horizon 2020 participants to meet new partners and collaborators to identify possible joint collaborations and write joint EU funded proposal for different European funding schemes such as Eureka! Eurostars or Horizon 2020.

The participants will also benefit from the possibility to arrange bilateral meetings to simplify future collaborations and planning.

In addition, more information will be available regarding practical aspects on Horizon 2020 participation and about the Health topics that will be launched later during the fall of 2014.

Ingemar Pongratz from Pongratz Consulting will join this interesting and informative event in Lyon. The information that we will obtain, both official and informal will of course be of great benefit for our clients in future EU applications.

For this meeting, we also offer a representation opportunity, if you and your organization would like to keep updated on the discussion or alternatively would like to be represented at this meeting please contact us and we will be happy to provide help in this respect. Alternatively, if you would like to meet us at this event please do not hesitate to contact us for a bilateral meeting

Please use the contact form or send us an email






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